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Animal Healing and Communication

  • 1 hour
  • 100 Canadian dollars
  • Distance Healing

Service Description

Like humans, animals are also comprised of energy and are usually more intuitive and sensitive than us, so can be deeply affected by the smallest things. If your pet or a beloved animal is experiencing behavioural issues or suffering from an illness, the Healing Angels and I can work on them during an intuitive energy healing session. During the healing, I get information and visuals from the Angels, and also from the animal and what they choose to show is bothering them. So every session is different depending on the animal and it's circumstances. I will also communicate with the animal to give them a voice and the opportunity to explain how they're feeling. This is a distant healing done with a recent photo of the animal showing their eyes and full body. After the healing, I send you an audio file explaining what was healed and said. Once you've booked a session, please email the photo to me at ​

Contact Details

Kelowna, BC, Canada

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